• Do I get customer protection service from sebenasmart.com? 

Yes! Your purchase is fully protected by Stripe policies and your product is covered by us under certain conditions, please check our Terms and Conditions for more details.

  • How long does my product takes to arrive?

Unlike other websites where shipping time is uncertain, we guarantee that your product will arrive on time (within 1-5 business days) as established by our Shipping and Delivery Policies, please check our Shipping and Delivery Policies for more details.

  • How can I ensure the quality of the product I’m buying?

What sets us apart from the competition is our unbeatable customer service and support, which comes with doing everything in our hands for 100% customer satisfaction.

We carefully select and check all of our products once we got them from the factory, we inspect and store them in our California warehouse, and then, once we commit to a full quality check, the product is delivered to you, on top of that, you get returns and refunds benefit under certain conditions.

Please check our Terms and Conditions for more details.

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